
Saturday, September 01, 2012

A trip of "firsts" - Part 3

I could go on and on about Michael Waltrip Racing but I'll just say that a trip to his shop is a pilgrimage every NASCAR fan should make. Michael really took the time to cater to the fans of this sport and even a semi-veteran like myself learned a few new things! The staff were very pleasant and seemed very happy to be working there so to me that says it all.

I did stop and get Michael's autographed book from their gift shop. It's titled, "In The Blink of An Eye". I laughed and cried while reading it. It's Michaels story of his colorful rise to becoming a NASCAR star and that day in February 2001 when he won the Daytona 500 and lost his boss and good friend Dale Earnhardt at the same time. It's an eye opener and if you don't get choked up once or twice, you're not a true NASCAR fan!

These drivers become a deep part of every fans lives so when something happens to them, we feel as if we lose a part of ourselves. I hoping that by doing this independent study this semester I can start to figure out why its like this. Why did I get so instantly angry when Tony talked about dying to me in the truck? Why did legions of fans mourn for the loss of Dale Sr when most of them never even had the priviledge to shake his hand? I think I started to get the answer while writing this blog, but it's going to take more research and just deep soul searching to even begin to uncover that answer.

Anyway, on with the tour!

Did I mention that our tour guide was Stan Rabineau? That man knows his stuff and everyone seems to know Stan! I think that is what made our tour so much fun. We didn't feel like outsiders looking in, we actually felt part of it for just a brief moment. I think Stan has met everyone and their uncle and has a story to tell for each stop we made! So, book a tour with them and I promise you won't regret it!

(I hate this picture of me, but it's the only one I have of Stan!)

So, after Michael Waltrip Racing, I'm a little fuzzy but I believe we went to lunch. I could be wrong but oh well, it's my story so we'll go to lunch next. We went to a place where many teams go. The rule is, you cannot ask anyone for an autograph or even talk to them or you will be asked to leave. Hey, I'm all for it! I think it's a great idea. I'm one of those rare fans that will only approach a driver or team member, etc when they are at the track or at a specific NASCAR function. I think they are entitled to have a part of their life free of the demands that fans place on them. I can easily respect that.

So, we did see Marcose Ambrose and Aric Almirola at lunch. I don't know how to describe them except for... maybe... exotic? LOL I think that sounds funny when I say it, but it's not like when you would see Jeff Burton or Tony Stewart in street clothes. They look normal and approachable. Marcose and Aric looked... exotic. Yup, I'll stick to that word. Now go find them in street clothes away from the track and see if you can figure out why!

Our next stop on the tour was Stewart-Haas Racing. Yes, this was my special request. Obviously at this point I'm still on a mission to meet Tony so I figured this would be a great place to try.

When you walk into the main lobby, the entire wall in front of you is glass. It's the viewing area for the floor of the shop. It was nice to see, but obviously not as fan friendly as MWR was. There were race cars for Tony, Ryan Newman and Danica Patrick as well as murals on the wall showing Tony and Ryan racing gokarts as kids.

My first impression of the shop was how cold it seemed. It was a beautiful facility. New and shiny but it held no warmth and was void of a welcoming feel. If SHR is looking for modern decor, I would suggest some type of water wall or water feature. I think it would add a soothing, natural feel to a very "steel" oriented room! But what do I know. I guess I was just expecting something different knowing the drivers and owners. Don't get me wrong, it was a pilgrimage of sorts for me and I'm super happy to have seen it!!

Off to the right of the main lobby was the gift shop. Now here is the source of a comical story. I hate to even admit to it but it's all part of the fun I guess.

We wandered around the shop area and I decided to buy a TS license plate frame for my car and a bottle of Tony's BBQ sauce. I heard mixed reviews on it so I had to try it for myself.

So I'm checking out and Stan says (rather loudly) that this sauce is some good stuff. "Just don't drink it too fast."

Yes you read that correctly. Don't drink it too fast.

I look at him and must have had this look of horror on my face as I said quite loudly myself... "you drink this stuff in the south?"

Well, that had everyone laughing out loud at me. I fell for it hook, line and sinker. I mean, seriously, there are some weird customs in the south. At least they are weird to Northerners like myself! Take boiled peanuts and grits for example. Why the hell grits have to be eaten with every meal is a complete and total puzzle! Ugh, I hate grits. Yuck.

Well, after thoughtfully providing a chuckle to Stan, Kecia and some of the staff at SHR, we moved on to the next stop on the tour. Oh and as you guessed, Tony was not in the shop that day but we did see Greg Zippadelli. If you don't know who that is, that's why God created Google. Google him and you'll see the history of Tony and Greg which is a great story to know!

Ok, so on to the next shop - Earnhardt/Gnassi Racing.

At first I was impressed... than I wondered where was the grease? Tools? Sounds of the air guns? People?

It was such a waste of space to see white from the floor to ceiling and cars on display. I quickly became disgusted. This is not what a race fan wants to see! This is a veiled attempt at placating a fan by showing them a huge vast EMPTY space. It was the shell of the sport prominately on display. Sorry, slightly beautiful but truly sterile and BORING. I couldn't get out of there quick enough.

I had to put this pic in of Kecia. She actually put the helmet on! I just couldn't get past how many other heads had been in it, so I passed. LOL

(Sorry, I'll fix the pics later. I used the wrong size!)

Our next stop was Roush-Fenway Racing. Not really a fan of them anymore. I used to be when Jeff Burton drove for Roush. Roush is big here in Michigan, but I'm no longer all that impressed with him. But, he's part of this sport so we paid ommage to him on this journey.

Know what "ommage" is? Google it and laugh right along with me at my attempt sarcasm.

The museum was great, but they only allow a small viewing window into the actual race shop. Damn the teams and their attempt at keeping secrets! I wonder sometimes if they have a secret spy agency that attempts to infiltrate each shop and exploit their secrets? Roush is locked down like Fort Knox for cripes sake.

Anyway, as I said, the museum was good. Lots of history and good information that any NASCAR fan should know.

I think for this stop I'll just post some pics and let them tell the story.

(I'm super glad Matt Kenseth is getting out of the Roush organization next year!)

Anyway, we left Roush after Kecia hugged the gigantic AFLAC duck in the lobby. Again, ewwww. How many sweaty bodies have touched that damn thing? But hey, she survived so it's all good.

Our next and last stop was Hendrick Motorsports. I could start it now, but I think I'll make this trip of firsts into a four part series. Hendrick deserves a blog all of its own just for the sheer size of the facility. I learned a few neat stories a long the way too that I'll just hint upon.

The finale is coming soon! I promise!


1 comment:

  1. Love the adventure stories Sondra, and with each one I read you have me considering starting my own blog. :P lol


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